Hey there! I'm Melissa.
I'm the Managing Digital Editor at Your Teen Media, where we offer expert advice and nonjudgmental support for parents and caregivers raising teenagers and preteens.
Once or twice a year, I co-direct the Squam Writes Retreat with Jilly Gagnon. We focus on authors with big goals, inspiring them to improve their craft by providing professional insight, personal support, and a laid-back community where all are welcome.
In 2021 I graduated from the Break Out Novel Intensive (BONI) Story Lab program, mentored by Donald Maass and Lorin Oberweger. My writing has been showcased in Pitch Wars, Write Club, Pitch Plus One, and the Crested Butte Sandy Writing Contest. I also write feature articles. You can click on them here.
The novels I write are for both children and adults and they typically feature witchy Jews (like me) whose beliefs skew more mystical than mainstream.
Before becoming a full-time author, I was a practicing attorney working as in-house counsel. I also worked pro-bono representing immigrants defending their rights against deportation.
Something you might not know about me is that I spent many (many) years honing my psychic and mediumship skills and I trained intensely for three years to become a certified intuitive healer. I'm also a Reiki Master and I'm especially good at easing anxiety and pain, which is helpful when people ask me to visit hospitals and hospice situations.
Some of my hobbies include digging my hands into the soil of my organic garden, hanging out with my chickens, playing with my dogs, and snuggling with my husband. Raising two humans into adulthood with good values and kind hearts is undoubtedly the best and most worthwhile thing I've ever done.
Though my interests, education, and practices are wide and varied, there's always been a thread running through it all: I find magic in everything and I love helping people find magic in their lives, too.
Let's connect!
Twitter: @MelissaHed
Instagram: @petrichor8
Facebook: @Melissa.Hed
LinkedIn: @melissahed